We'll say no, and we'll do it together

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I know she's still in here, I just can't find her

As some of you may or may not have noticed, I haven't made a real posting in quite some time.  I don't know what's going on with me lately.  My usual motivation has been shot and I cry almost everyday.  I was going to the gym literally everyday sometimes twice a day for two solid weeks and eating pretty well-- always burning more than I took in.  Where this awesome streak went you might ask? I wish I could tell you!  But I'm not doing so great as of the past 6 days or so.  I'll eat very little one day, binge the next, and it repeats.  WHAT THE HELL. This isn't me.. I need help. I always try to be there for you girls when you're in need and I hope you guys can give me some tips, wise words, and thin thoughts to push me back on track.  I'm beside myself and since this is the only support system I have for overexercising and restricting, I NEED YOU GUYS.  :( I need to be back to my motivational, optimistic self.  I know that girl's still in me, I just can't find her. 

Lastly, I wasnt to thank you guys so much for some of the awesome comments you've given me in the past -- I more than appreciate it.  Especially to Lottie, you're always there leaving loving comments, and to Lindsay, somethingsosmall, Ellie, Mia H, Thin Thrills, Ell, Smallasapanda you guys are all awesome! thanks for the great comments.  To Thin_Envy especially, your comment on my latest post brought me almost to tears, i felt such warmth through your post and I feel like this is exactly the kind of thing I need to get back on track.  Hoping for help from all of you. xo be thin, be lovely, be happy


  1. We all go through dips lovely! Maybe find something to make you exersize every day. I just started training for a half marathon and if I miss a day of training I feel like shit, it makes you accountable!
    You are back! We restrict and exersize so that things make sense. I understand why you feel like nothing does!? Shit happens!

    Your optimism keeps me going! Thank you for bieng my motivation!



  2. I'm sorry about the flip-flop-ing. Just take it one day at a time and stay strong. I know its like... the hardest thing in the world to do but try try try to stop and think about whether or not you want to eat whatever it is before you even pick it up. Sometimes, just counting to ten and thinking about it is enough for me to get a hold of myself. Give yourself a goal reward. Thing of one thing that you want (for me its half a blueberry bagel) and if I can stick to my rules for say, two days, then I can have that. Just that, no binge. It helps keep all those cravings from being over-powering. Hope that helps a bit! I love reading your posts, don't let this keep you down.
    Skinny Love,

  3. I've been doing that a bit lately too, but I think if you just focus on increasing your exercise and not eating any more than you are at the moment eventually you won't feel as hungry and then you can cut down your eating more :)
    I think changing both at once might cause binging though!
    Stay strong,
    Lottie x

  4. ive been going through a similar phase too, dont worry though, it will pass and you can make it pass! youre strong enough to get back on track :D
    write something on your arm or put a piece of jewellery on that reminds you of restricting. that helps me usually... stops me from binging (mostly, not always)
    you can do this

  5. just tell yourself you need to get 3 good days in. Then once you're in the cycle it'll be easier to continue and push through. Usually thats what it takes for me. Also I think about my goal whenever I think of binging how if I do then my goal weight will be farther and farther away. We can be skinny girl we just gotta put in the commitment! You can do this!

  6. your not the only one sweetie, i had a binge yesterday, it happens.. best thing to do before your about to binge is to write a list of pros and cons of bingeing, once you realise the consequences of that horrible intake of food, i gaurentee you won't do it,
    good luck,

  7. You CAN fight the binging cycle. It's horrible and all of us go through it but we can get through it because you've got to remember it's just food and you're worth so much better than that. Not flab and cellulite and F A T. But beauty and happiness. I know you can do it and you should know you are so capable of achieving you goal too.

    Fat free love xx

  8. I almost binged today too. It happens to the best of us. My personal craving? Fried eggs and toast. I closed my eyes for a minute, thought about the scale and how much I would hate to see a gain tomorrow, and told myself over and over that nothing tastes as good as thin feels. And now I'm good. I don't want the food anymore. I hope you find something similar that gives you strength. Remember that you're not alone, that we all go through rough patches, and that we CAN do it, especially if we stick together. Today's a new day, forget the past, and focus on your goals ahead. Keep strong! -G
