We'll say no, and we'll do it together

Sunday, March 20, 2011


My day has been incredible so far!  I went to the gym this morning just like I said I would and stayed for a few hours.  I ended up burning around 1,400 calories!  After that I drove back to school with my parents -- they asked me if I was hungry or wanted to stop for lunch like ten thousand times but I denied each time.  Usually I get mad when they ask me so that's how they know or can assume that I'm restricting that day but this time I took a different approach.  Each time they asked me a replied lively and happy with a "No thanks, I'm good to go!" or "Nope I got my gatorade here and that's doing me just fine!"  I think since I was so easy gonig and happy about it, they didn't suspect anything.

When I got to school they helped me bring my things in and I sort of rushed them out sneakily so that they didn't ask me to grab a bite to eat again.  They left and I unpacked then hungout with some friends.  When my friends went to dinner I said I had to finish unpacking-- which was true-- but I had purposely not finished so that I'd have an excuse to get out of going with them.  As I unpacked I had a granola bar that was 140 calories.  After that I went to the gym again and burned about 840 calories.  I'm going to try not to eat anything else today and just keep up with the water to make myself feel full.  If I do this all week I might get back to feeling not so disgusted with myself. 

I hope everyone else's days went fairly smoothly, if not, the day isn't lost!  Pick up where you left off and keep up your good work.  I know this isn't easy, but we all know how well it pays off in the end.



  1. Wow 1400 cals and 840 cals at them gym?! I'm super jealous...I need to burn some more today...but being stuck at school all morning, I haven't been able to. AND all you ate was 140 cal! Wow This has inspired me to restrict harder. I hope I can gain this kind of control soon.

    Best of luck to you and your weight loss.
    <3 Toxic

  2. Wow! That is actualy like the most amazing intake/exercise I have ever heard! You are amazing :)
    Stay strong,
    Lottie x

  3. Great Job! So proud of you!

